A short month after the initial public release of Spincloud, I am pleased to announce the addition of a new feature: integration with the European weather warning service Meteoalarm which provides the most relevant information needed to prepare for extreme weather, expected to occur over Europe. The colors indicate the severity of the danger and its possible impact: Red: very dangerous, Orange: dangerous, Yelllow: potentially dangerous, Green: no warnings.
Currently only the country-level warnings are displayed. You can access the new feature by clicking the “Meteoalarm” button located on the top-left corner of the map. Note that the map has to be positioned over Europe for this buttton to be enabled.
More information about Meteoalarm here.
Currently only the country-level warnings are displayed. You can access the new feature by clicking the “Meteoalarm” button located on the top-left corner of the map. Note that the map has to be positioned over Europe for this buttton to be enabled.
More information about Meteoalarm here.
Important note: When using this new feature, the best experience is with Google’s Chrome, Mozilla or Safari browsers. Enabling the Meteoalarm overlay is much slower on IE browser which sometimes results in the browser reporting a slow-running script on slower hardware. Wait a few more seconds, the new overlay will render eventually.